Selasa, 02 Juli 2013

Download Romancing the Inventor: A Supernatural Society Novella, by Gail Carriger

Download Romancing the Inventor: A Supernatural Society Novella, by Gail Carriger

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Romancing the Inventor: A Supernatural Society Novella, by Gail Carriger

Romancing the Inventor: A Supernatural Society Novella, by Gail Carriger

Romancing the Inventor: A Supernatural Society Novella, by Gail Carriger

Download Romancing the Inventor: A Supernatural Society Novella, by Gail Carriger

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Romancing the Inventor: A Supernatural Society Novella, by Gail Carriger


"Behind the delightful whimsy and snarky observations, there is a great deal of heart and soul..." RT Book Reviews (Custard Protocol series) "A blend of Victorian romance, screwball comedy of manners and alternate history... Intoxicatingly witty" Publishers Weekly (Parasol Protectorate series)


Taschenbuch: 199 Seiten

Verlag: GAIL CARRIGER LLC; Auflage: 1.0 ed. (5. Oktober 2016)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 1944751076

ISBN-13: 978-1944751074

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

12,7 x 1,3 x 20,3 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

4.4 von 5 Sternen

6 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 19.377 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

I was absolutely delighted when I found this book. I'm so happy Madam Lefoux is getting her happy ending (as well as several other characters in other books.)Imogene is a new character to the Parasolverse and I found her as a POV character very intriguing since she is VERY different from Alexia, Sophronia and Prudence.Born on the countryside and very well aware of her sapphic inclinations (and polite society's stance on such things), Imogene decides to work for the nearby vampire hive, hoping that the rumors about vampires' "perversions" are true (and so she can financially support her family).While working for the vampires turns out not quite as she expected, she then meets Madam Lefoux and not only in love with her but also finds her inventions and equations quite fascinating - but there are complications.One thing that surprised me was that this novella seemed to be a bit more serious than the author's other books. I think that's mostly because Imogene is not gentry - as a parlormaid she has no social power whatsoever and is constantly at the mercy of her superiors: those being the vampires and quite a big part of their household.In this context the novella contains sexual harassment, bullying, repeated sexual and physical assault and a certain undertone of hopelessness. Both the lesbian main character and the lesbian love interest also have a lot of internalized homophobia, talking about their "perversions" or "corrupting" other women.It's still definitely not a sad heavy book - there's still a lot of the typical humor - and Imogene remains, while not exactly optimistic, a very strong silent type, and I loved reading about her.One minor thing I found a bit weird was how Imogene was repeatedly said to be "very young" or even "too young" - even though she's 28 at the beginning of the book, and Alexia has been called an "old spinster" at 26 already.I adored the countless cameos of well-known characters from other books of the Parasolverse. In fact, all characters who aren't household staff (and a few of those as well) have been at least minor if not major side- or main-characters in other books.Plot wise in ties in with the Parasol Protectorate books a lot, if only to reference or mention certain things that happened. I don't think that technically one wouldn't understand Romancing the Inventor if one hasn't read the Parasol Protectorate books, but for me personally a lot of the charm lay with those mentions and cameos.

Wie auch viele andere Bücher von Gail Carriger nur in englischer Sprache zu bekommen... es wäre schön, wenn sich dies ändern würde!Diese wundervoll geschriebene Romanze ist das Beste, was ich seit langem lesen durfte! Die Autorin erschafft mit ihrer gefühlvollen und abwechslungsreichen Wortwahl sehr intime Beobachtungen von Personen und einzelnen Szenen. Der sehr interessante Nebencharakter der Parasol Protection ReiheMme Lefoux bekommt in dieser Novelle ihr verdientes und absolut zu Herzen gehendes Happy End! Es wäre sehr schön, mehr von Imogene und Genevieve zu hören.Das Audiobook wird unendlich wunderbar von Emma Newman gelesen, die die geschriebenen Worte einfach grandios zum Leben erweckt! I love it!!

So we finally get to learn what happened to Mme Lefoux after the Octomaton incident, and what a wonderful little story it is. Genevieve has always been a favourite and I'm glad Gail Carriger took the time to breath more life into her.As always, her writing is witty and easy to read. The book easily can be consumed as a standalone novel, too. Though it's more fun, when you are already familiar with some of the characters.Now, we are all hoping that the riddle on our favourite Gamma's pride will be lifted next? Ideally spiced with a little romance?

I love how Gail depicted a bit more of the daily life of her characters. And I liked it had more Channing. I'm curious to read more about him. It could have had more Biffy and a bit of Akeldama too, although it could have been longer, but that is a wish I have with all the good stories.

Maybe my expectations were to high - I loved Gail Carrigers "the Parasol Protectorate" Books - but this one is a rather predictable love story with some sex in it. It's nicely set in Gail's supernatural word and it was great meeting old acquaintances again, but it lacked the ideas and wit of her other stories.

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Romancing the Inventor: A Supernatural Society Novella, by Gail Carriger PDF

Romancing the Inventor: A Supernatural Society Novella, by Gail Carriger PDF

Romancing the Inventor: A Supernatural Society Novella, by Gail Carriger PDF
Romancing the Inventor: A Supernatural Society Novella, by Gail Carriger PDF

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